Sunday, September 18, 2011

Today Is: Why? Oh Why? Why? Is the Question Day

"If we are sincere in asking, the eventual answer will give us both a sense of coming home to something we already know as well as a sense of suprise -- not unlike returning from a long journey to find an old friend sitting unexpectantly on the front step, as if she'd known, without ever being told, not only the exact time and date of your arrival but also your need to be welcomed back." -- David Whyte

"Questions that have no right to go away are those that have to do with the person we are about to become." -- David Whyte

Sometimes things happen in life that you cannot explain, often things happen and we're left asking ourselves 'Why?' 'Why them?' 'Why this?' 'Why not?' 'Why me?' 'Why now?' More often than not it may seem that we will never obtain the answer, but maybe the answer to those questions are somewhere we knew we would be able to rediscover them when the time was right. In Sidney Poitier's book, "Life Beyond Measure" he says this,

"For sure some unanswered questions will meet up with answers that fit like a glove; some will not. Some will linger long, have no luck and wither on the vine. Maybe, for some, there are no answers. Maybe some questions are eternal by nature, and we are never meant to find an answer. Or so it sometimes seems. At odd times, it appears at first glance that unanswered questions and unfinished lives share a mutual attraction and an unbearable incompatability. And yet the search goes on-- with explanations as to how and why coming up later on."

There have been times in my life, too many to count, that the only thing left for me to do is ask, "Why?" and I'm beginning to learn that over time the need to know will pass, the questions will end, and I will come into the answer.

"God is trying to do something magical in my heart and in my life right now so I just need to sit back, trust in Him and let Him work to build my mansion from all my broken pieces." -- ACB

1 comment:

Andrea Bucci said...

I must give credit, where credit is due... this photograph was taken by Erica Montgomery! Kudos my friend, kudos:)