Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 16

"Be quiet and listen and when called upon act." -- James Ahlschwede

I got this in my e-mail today from http://www.inspiremetoday.com, it is written by Vicky Darden, I thought I would share it as it seemed fitting for this time in my life Hope you enjoy!

"A few caring people will change the world; they are the only thing that can."
 ~ Vicky Darden
If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I've learned so far in life, these are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
None of us know when our last day in this realm here on earth will be, as each moment dies in order for the next moment to be born.
Know that we are not our experiences. What happens to the physical does not need to alter the spirit, the essence of who we truly are. You are not your stories, if you don't like your Story, tell yourself a new one, a more positive one. Create your story the way you want it to be.
In full knowledge that I am lucky to be alive, each day is a blessing. Each day starts with thoughts of gratitude. I believe when we are grateful for what we have, no matter how small, we bring blessings into our lives, those blessings may come as a smile from a stranger, a hug just when you need one, a meal when you are hungry, or simply the courage to find your way through a really tough day.
The two most important questions I ask in my life are, "What can I do for someone else today?" and, "What will I do for myself today?". I ask them in that order because in doing something for someone else I've done something for myself. The world should be looked at as a "favor bank," a place where we continually pay things forward.
In a world that seems to live as if each one of us is a separate being, I challenge that belief with my knowledge that we are all connected. The air you are breathing has been breathed into the lungs of someone else next to you, miles from you, and even halfway around the world.
When we understand our connectedness we realize that whatever we do to someone else, we do to ourselves. Kindness given is kindness received. You may not find that kindness in the person you gave it to but kindness will return to you. Live in present moment awareness and you will see the blessings.
Kindness, unlike stuff, is one thing that creates more joy and more blessings in our lives. So many people believe that if a small amount of "stuff" makes them happy, then surely the more "stuff" we have the happier we will be. I have found this to be exactly the opposite. The less stuff we have, the less complicated our lives are and the simpler we live the more grateful we are.
I truly believe that at the end of the day if we were asked what is right with the world we need to be able to say, "I am." One person can make a difference and should always strive to do so, one act of kindness at a time.

"When we allow love to define who we are as we work, we become irristiable leaders for a contagious passion for what we do." -- unknown

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