"Wisdom will never be the loud, obvious one in this odd couple. It will never shout down it's opposition or barge in uninvited. But each time you choose wisdom as your advisor, you come closer to making the choice a way of life. Trust me, that's advice you want to take." -- Anne Murphy 'She's Got a Feeling' - O Magazine
"...you'll notice that it is not something you thought up; it seems to come from somewhere beyond thought... you feel...yearning, as though your heart is straining toward its destiny... The very idea will seem impossible... almost. That "almost" will tickle the edges of your conciousness, tempting you to believe that somehow, someway, your dream may fall just insdie the real of probability." -- Martha Beck
I don't hear it often, and I don't hear it always, but when I do hear it I know I need to listen. It's in those quiet moments, when nothing but my heart speaks that I am able to hear "the voice". I refer to "the voice" as a voice that sounds much like my own, however is much wiser and more direct. "the voice" tends to come about in times that are unexpected and often times unwanted, it also tends to say things that my concious and realistic mind seems to believe is unattainable yet I know that if "the voice" has spoken it is something that I need to pay attention to. Although I've heard this message before I heard it again just the other day, and again today, I know I not only need to listen but I think it's time that I begin to think about how I can act. What have begun as small tugs on my heartstrings, I feel are starting to become more and more aggressive, slowly morphing into aggressive pulls. This is exactly what happened with Africa and look what happened! I think I'm starting to live my way into another dream!
"Your mind can be a trickster, but that calm, and sometimes faint, inner voice -- the true source of knowing -- will never lead you astray." -- Susan Casey
"They began as signals, tugs. And with careful tending her most unlikely dreams came true." -- Martha Beck
"Before you even realize what's happening, it may have led you safely all the way home." -- Elizabeth Gilbert
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