Monday, September 26, 2011

Today Is: If God Weren't A Bronco Fan... Day

“People may fail many times but they only become failures when they begin to blame someone else.” -- unknown
Have you ever been driving behind one of those people with the bumper stickers that read, “If God weren’t a Bronco fan he wouldn’t have made the sunset orange and blue?” Maybe you even are one of those people. As I drove into work this morning, there was the most impeccable blue and orange sunrise and I immediately thought of that saying. But if God is a Bronco fan, what magical plan is behind him having us play three games that go right down to the wire? Three games that we could have/should have won, but instead of being 3-0 we’re now 1-2. If God were a Bronco fan I think he would have sent an angel down to whisper into Fox’s ear, “Kick the field goal!” or maybe he would have had an angel put a little extra juice behind Orton’s arm so we could have scored on a hail mary (tossing up a prayer)! Maybe God is a Bronco fan but I think he’s cheering for the other team right now:(

“It’s not whether you get knocked down it’s whether you get up.” -- Vince Lombardi

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