“I was peaceful with not having, ‘having had’ was enough.” – Patti Digh “Creative is a Verb”
“Those who cling to the past are quickly left right there – in the past. Those who seize the moment to change are catapulted into a brighter future.” – Lee J. Colan & Davdi Cotrell “Winners Never Quit”
As I began to write today’s entry I stumbled upon this poem and I thought to myself, I could not have said the words more perfectly, so why try! I share this poem by Linda Ellis with you as I reflect back on the years that I’ve left behind me. Some memories I wish I could remember better, some I wish I could forget, but all of them have made me into who I am today, and for that I am grateful.
“There is an unspoken balance
that time has clearly explained
between what I’ve lost over the years
and what I’ve gained.
Every trait that I surrender
as I slowly ‘lose’ my youth
is replaced with a life’s lesson;
traded for…
a simple truth.
I am the product of my years
that have created what is me.
And every day that I have lived
has made me who I want to be.
Each person who I’ve known and loved
has made me part of who I am today.
Each left me with something in my life;
each helped me find my way.
I’ve heard it said, ‘If I knew then
everything that I know now…’
But we are taught at the proven pace
that time and life will both allow.
These truths I’ve learned
from things I’ve done
And places I have been…
what I’d give to take them back with me
and live my life again.”
May you find joy in all the memories of your life, the good and the bad; the unforgettable and the ones you wish to forget. These memories are what shape you and what make you into the wonderfully unique person that you are; and in that, you are enough!
“Everywhere I turn, new beginnings and big changes abound me. The inevitable truth is that everything changes. We’re not meant to look the same or act the same year in and year out. Growth brings new potential. And I know for sure that when you’re open to receiving them, the possibilities just keep on coming.” – Oprah
“I’m becoming more and more myself with time.
I guess that’s what grace is.
The refinement of your soul through mine.” -- Jewel
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