“Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don’t, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it would be easy, they just promised that it would be worth it.” – unknown
I was a sophomore in high school, my sister a senior. As teenage girls we spent our mornings primping and prepping in front of the mirror making sure that everything looked at it's best, this morning was no different until...
"Did you see that?" my sister asked as she came into my room just moments after the first plane struck one of the twin towers. My eyes were glued to the TV and my ears strained for an explanation. I can still remember the newscaster say that they hoped that the plane strike was an accident and then the second tower was hit. At that moment I looked at my sister, hoping she would know the answers, still unsure of what was happening. I began to get the sinking feeling of despair in the pit of my stomach and as I stood staring at my sister, I think we both knew that this was no longer a question of accident. Little did we know that just few short hours later those twowers would come crumbling down killing thousands of people and changing the world forever. September 11th would become known as one of the worst terrorist attacks on the United States and would instantaniously launch us into heightened security, American Patriotism and a burning desire for revenge. Today marks the ten year anniversary of that devastating tragedy. As we remember and honor all those who lost their lives that day I am caught searching for the silver lining. In such times of devastation it is more than difficult to see any good in such tragedy at which I am reminded of one of the most amazing lessons I've ever learned, "One day we will see God's good even in this." --Romans 8 May we seek peace not revenge, love not hatred and someday may we turn to each other and treat them like sister and brother; this is my wish.
"God sometimes lets bad things go on because he wants to give each of us a chance to fulfill the purpose for which he kept us alive... God's purpose for us is to make peace." -- Margaret Alerotek World Vision Magazine
"Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God." -- Mattehw 5:9
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