Friday, November 18, 2011

Today Is: Tears of A Clown Day

“Step through the pain, I will make you something great.” – Gil Jones

“I do breathe, allowing the sorrows of the world to break my heart over and over, letting the joys make it whole again.” – Oriah “The Invitation”

My calloused soul reflects off the glass pane in the mirror
With each drip that falls, the engravings become clearer
I swiftly wipe away the drops, hoping they will not leave a trace
Immediately I begin to paint the thick white plaster all across my face

The mask that hides my sorrow is bright, its color white like snow
For it covers up the treks of my tears and the streams where they did flow
I slowly paint my cheeks a rosy red happy grin
The smile that now appears covers up the frown I feel within

Each night I play a happy character, you never notice a thing
What you see on the outside has nothing to do with the tune my saddened heart sings
You watch me with excitement. You gasp and you seemed wowed
You do not see the emotion that I portray, nor do you hear the silent words I scream aloud.

All you see when you look at me is the glowing smile I’ve drawn upon my face
If only you were able to see closer you would notice that sadness has left its trace.
Performing as usual, silly parts I must play while my emotions I try to hide
You laugh hysterically at my antics but are unable to notice that I am slowly dying inside

You think you know ‘this clown’ all too well, yet you really have no idea
For you cannot see past the character I’ve created
You’re not able to see my cheeks are stained with tears.
Clowns are not supposed to be sad, that is not the nature of thee
For clowns like I, are to be overflowing with joy, our job is to make people like you laugh and be happy

The mask that I’ve applied over and over again
Has not only hidden the tracks of my tears but it has also masked the woman I am within.
So this clowns funny days are ending for the paint has begun to wear thin
It’s time that this clown wipes off her mask and lets her true self begin.

No more painting on smiles to cover up a frown
No more giving into you or your demands I am finally standing my ground.
With a swipe of the cloth my painted face is now bare
Maybe now you’ll notice the tracks from the tears that once were there!

The smile you see that lights up my tattered face is no longer painted on my skin
I am smiling with my liver because of the way that God has filled my life again!
No need to use paints to cover up my tears
For they are now reminders of Gods hidden blessings through the rough and tough years!

“Silence… becomes not only a place to be alone but also a place that’s an invitation to others to join you, to want to know who’s there, in the quiet.” – David Whyte

“There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not the of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently then ten thousand tongues.
They are messengers of overwhelming grief… and unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving

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