Friday, November 11, 2011

Today Is: All About The Fellas

“When we find the sacred in the ordinary… we allow for a richer saturation of joy and creativity in our lives. Everyday moments become clearer with meaning – moments that we may have never noticed before. And our creative lives are transformed by the inspiration that comes from simply paying closer attention to the abundance that already exists in the ordinary moments of our lives.” – Kelly Rae Roberts “Taking Flight”
“It’s only what we learn while we’re doing what seems to be basically routine that really counts, how to endure, how to produce, how to make life rich at its most mundane moments.” – Joan Chittister
This was a special day already because my sister was in town to help celebrate my grandma’s 75th birthday at a ladies getaway in the mountains. My mom, my sister and I all stopped to grab a little pick me up before we made the drive up to the house. We each ordered a drink to our liking and waited at the counter for the young woman to tell us how much we owed. After a little reprimanding from her co-worker she turned to us a little flustered before saying, “Can I get you ‘fellas anything else?”  Like I said, I needed a little pick-me-up so I wasn’t sure that I had heard her correctly but what I thought I had heard her call us was ‘fellas. I knew that my ears had not deceived me when I looked at my sister and she was wearing a smirk of confusion and that is when I lost it. I tried to stifle my laughter but it seems that I was not doing a very good job as my sister quickly advised me to “walk away”. I walked away from the counter but my laughter continued. After the three of us collected our drinks we walked out and as soon as we made it to the pavement all three of us were in hysterics. You may be reading this and thinking to yourself, that is really not that funny, and you are probably right, it really is not that funny, but there are some moments in life that just seem to be that much better because of who you are sharing them with and this was one of those moments!  I am grateful for these small reminders that life is to be shared with the one’s you love for when you do, life seems to be that much richer!
“It’s all right there in my ordinary life. I just have to pay attention and ordinary things suddenly become anything but.” – Kelly Rae Roberts “Taking Flight”
“The soul should always stand ajar, ready to welcome the ecstatic experience.” – Emily Dickinson

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