Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Today Is: Life, May I Have This Dance? Day

“If whatever you do helps just one person, you’ve done something wonderful.” – Blake Mycoskie “Start Something that Matters”
“I get up every morning determined both to change the world and to have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning the day difficult.” – E.B. White
“The time comes when you realize that you haven’t been specializing in something – something has been specializing in you.” – Arthur Miller
I am on currently on a journey of a lifetime, as are all of you, my dear friends. This journey we all must walk, this journey we all are given to find, follow or discover, this journey is about finding my purpose, this journey is about finding your purpose; this journey is the journey of a life. Some of you may have already found the road you were meant to travel on for your life; others may still be in search of what that road looks like, where you find it, and what it will mean when you do, and some of you may be like me, map in hand, in search of the road you were meant to travel; awaiting not only your departure but your much anticipated destination. I know that I was put on this earth I was designed, to do something that no one else has done before; to do something so extraordinary that no one else could do it except for me; this is why you all were created as well I believe. Because we were each given something; we were each designed to do something that no one else in the world could do; if someone else could do the job that we were created for, what would be our purpose? For each and every one of us, these so called “callings” are different; for some it may mean creating technological advancements that change the world and how we operate forever, for others it may entail obtaining astronomical amounts of money that only the wealthiest of wealthy could ever comprehend, for others it may mean serving your country, saving lives and performing medical miracles, maybe it’s creating a life and giving opportunities to someone that without you wouldn’t be able to have; I don’t know what your purpose on this journey is, that’s for you to discover, but for myself I believe that my purpose is to change the world in some great way ( I guess that you could argue that this is a part of everyone’s purpose, if you change even just one life, you have changed the world) But for me, I believe that my purpose is about providing hope to the hopeless, for making dreamers of the non-believers, leading the lost, and giving the most of myself to those who need the most to take. I believe I was put on this earth to help the impoverished, the forgotten, the needy; I am to speak up for those who have no voices, who’ve forgotten they have a voice, and for all those who lost their voices among the silent screams. I believe that my purpose is to give to those children who have been given up on; to show them that their hope lies not in the hands that told them they’ll never make it but in their hearts that tell them “I WILL”. I am to show these children that they can not only become somebody but that they are somebody, and that alone is worth enough. My purpose is to make these children see a different life then the life that they have been living, to educate them about the life that they have been given. To help them not only realize that the world is theirs for the taking, but that this world is their playground and whatever they are able to dream in their head they can achieve. I must educate the children of these dire situations that there is so much more than what they know, good is never good enough. For these children are our future, and I feel it is my purpose to help them see that through all the bad, and the wrongdoing and the brokenness, can come healing and redemption and greatness. I feel it is my purpose to educate our young adults about their futures and what they can do when they put their minds to doing whatever it is their heart calls of them. That they themselves are great and when they can understand that they were designed for a special purpose, just like you and me; that they were designed to take the world by the hand and ask “May I have this dance?”, that they too can change the world! 
“We’re just trying to fight for those kids. That’s what we have to keep doing, fight for those children so they’ll have a chance to grow up and be – be somebody. Be a husband or a wife. Have a chance to dream and make some of those dreams come true. I still got fight in me. How about you?” – excerpt from the film Redemption
“Live your life so that your children can tell their children that you not only stood for something wonderful – you acted on it.” – Dan Zadra “5 – Where Will You Be Five Years From Now?
“It’s easy to come up with big ideas. Just think of something that everyone agrees would be ‘wonderful’ if it were only ‘possible’ – and then set out to make it possible.” – Armand Hammer

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