Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 6

"...Make your mantra--I do not want what I desire. This is not where happiness is found. When you feel yourself desiring something, the quicker you can let it go, the better. The sooner you'll get a rush of bliss.
Realize that you are not the one doing the desiring. It's the mind. And you are not the mind. You lie behind the mind.
The more you notice your desires the better! Now that you have the key, all those desires are opportunities to let bliss come rushing in. By letting go consciously of the desires, you feel an immediate lightness." Sheila Hageman.

As I sat holding my nephew my mind never wandered to my stomach, or to my hunger pains, I was totally enamored by the precious little gift that lay sleeping in my arms, rested against my chest. With each small breath that escaped from his mouth, I could feel my heart warm with excitement as my smile grew larger. This little 7lb boy has been the greatest gift and today I am so grateful for his presence and for his joy, as he has helped my mind understand the true desires of my heart; which have nothing to do with being full on food, but more so being full with love. 

"Love is an aspect of being and when you act from being, the power you draw on is limitless because it comes from the source." -- Deepak Chopra

"This part of my life, this little part is called, happiness." -- The Pursuit of Happiness

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