Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 17

"P.U.S.H. -- Pray Until Something Happens" -- unknown

" the kind of people that have enough passion to change the world. If we let ourselves be fire, thunder, or lightening, we could alter everything." -- Diary 43 Freedom Writer's Diary

"You want to get a cupcake with me?" she asked as we sat in our monthly team meeting. "I can't," I responded. "Oh, you on some kind of diet or something?" she asked. "Well not really. It's this thing at my church called 25 in Change" and I told her all about what we were doing. "Well I'm not going to have a cupcake then either." "No, please if you want to eat a cupcake, feel free, this isn't the first nor will it be the last time I will be around food." I told her. "No, if you're only eating rice and beans, I can go without a cupcake," she said with a smile. "Now how do I get involved?" she asked. The following week I sent her some information and she kindly sent it out to her friends and family, and within minutes of her e-mail I received this from her cousin.

"We would love to participate and I wanted to share with you why.  About a week ago, I was putting Karter to bed and before I left the room he said “Mom, are their kids in Africa who don’t have food?”  I told him yes and that there were hungry children and people of all ages around the world, even right here in our city.  He said that he wanted to use the money he has saved from cat-sitting his Aunt’s cats to feed the kids in Africa.  He has $51.  I told him that we would look together and he could choose which program he wanted to use it for.   I know he would love to support you Andrea.  So we will register for $100, $50 from Karter and $50 from us.  Good luck on this journey!!!" 

I was blown away. Not only were they willing to support someone they didn't know, but their 6 year old son was thinking of children all across the world that he didn't know and wanted to help. It brought me to tears as I read this. At 6 years old, I don't remember thinking about the children across the globe, I think I was mostly interested in what toys I was going to play with that day and if Ernie was on Seasame Street. But this little 6 year old was thinking of others and wanted to do something to help. To save his own money to donate just blows me away. Once again, I am in awe of the miracles that God has worked over the past 18 days and I am so grateful for children such as Karter, and for parents like Karter's who have taught him that to get along in this world we cannot think of only ourselves, we must think of all of humanity as our brothers and sisters. Please remember the children in Africa, in India, in China, in Chile, in the United States who all must go hungry, and remind yourself of little 6 year old Karter's generosity. May he inspire you as much as he has inspired me! God bless

"How our children live tomorrow depends on what we teach them today." -- Our Daily Bread

"From what we get we can make a living. What we give, however, makes a life." 
-- Arthur Ashe

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