Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 9

Start getting comfortable with getting uncomfortable!

"Once we hit that wall, we don't quit, we don't give up. We flip a switch called will, and when 
we start using our will power, we're going to will. Yes, we're tired, yes, we're hungry, yes the mind is saying give up, yes it's saying quit. But we cannot quit because we realized we have not reached the goal yet. This is not the goal. This is not what I dreamed about, this is not what I said I was going to do, this is not what I talked about, this is not what it looks like. And then once we get past that place... we become comfortable with being uncomfortable. We no longer thrive to be in the comfort zone. We no longer place ourselves in positions that make us feel good. We no longer put ourselves in position that make us comfortable, that gives us that warm fuzzy feeling. Because listen here... some of what you want, some of what you trying to get, ain't in the comfort zone. So if what you want ain't in the comfort zone, you've got to step out of the comfort zone to get what you want."

 Stumbled upon this guy, Eric Thomas, the other day as I searched videos for inspiration as day 9 of rice and beans has left my typically positive mindset a little below average. Can't get enough of him. Check out this video, he says it so, plus is passion is so contagious! Step out of the comfort zone and get uncomfortable!

Thanks ET! 

"I gotta be willing to get past crying, I gotta be willing to get past hunger, I gotta get past self defeat saying you can't do it, I gotta be willing to get past low self esteem, and saying if anybody else deserves it, I deserve it. It's mine!..." -- Eric Thomas

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