Sunday, May 13, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 7

"What we do in life echoes an eternity." -- Marcus Aurelius Gladiator

"God has called us to active duty. (1 John 3:18) When we sense His prompting to help someone, we should be willing to say, 'I believe God wants me to help you.'"
-- Julie Ackerman Link

A hero is defined as: a person admired for their achievements and noble qualities

The people that are listed below are heroes to me and to so many others as they have helped fight the fight against world hunger by donating $25 dollars in support of my efforts with It is because of these wonderful people that myself and 24 other advocates have been able to eat along with many children across the globe. With each one of their contributions they helped feed 100 children. Thank you again to all of you for your love, your support and most of all for your compassion to end world hunger! You are amazing! You helped raise $375 towards our goal of $187,500.

Erica Montgomery
Kaitlyn Herbert
Anne Bliss
Nicole Jui
Laura Peters
Charles MacDonald
Lisa Bucci
Katy Stewart
Betsy Phillips
Alicia Ready
Gayle Kilker
Brian Brito
Kristine  Solis
Joyce Swanson
Jodi Schanil

"The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see." -- Dr. Robert Holden

"Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world." -- Barack Obama

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