Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Today Is: What Happens in Vegas Day

Here I am sitting at the Las Vegas airport when the ticket counter asks if anyone flying to Fresno, CA would be willing to volunteer their seat for a $400 travel credit voucher; so of course I take it... This guy standing in line, volunteering his seat as well begins talking to me about Vegas and how since we have time now, we should hit the strip together. It sounded fun but we ended up spliting ways shortly after we got our vouchers, however since we were on the same flight out I saw him later in the day and we start talking again. He's telling me about how in 2006, he took a trip to Germany; he then stops and says, "Have you ever been abroad?" "No." I say, but immediately I can feel my insides do a somersault as I release the words, "I'm moving to Africa." His immediate reaction is shock and then he says, "Well, tell me about it?" I tell him the whole story; everything from when I was in high school to my desire right out of college to the fateful day at basketball practice when I got the much anticipated phone call. "It's always been a dream of mine and it's finally coming true." I tell him.
We continue talking and the conversation heads in all different directions, when all of a sudden he says, "You know, that's really cool. You're following your dream. You're doing something you've always wanted to do. I should do that." I looked at him, smiled with my liver and said, "You're right, it is really cool and I'm really excited about it! And YOU SHOULD! Follow your dream. Don't ever settle for status quo."
I'll never forget that conversation with my airport friend Micah. I have a new appreciation for the saying, "What happens in Vegas..." because that's a moment in Vegas I'll never forget.

"Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine."
-- David Ogilvy

"Dream passionate dreams. Design their reality." -- Candis Fancher

"When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go." Carol Burnett

"We've got to have a dream if we're going to make a dream come true." -- Denis E. Waitley

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