Saturday, August 27, 2011

Today Is: The Beginning of Another Chapter Day

"I could fold those words into a letter whispered just after these words, ' I am on the cusp of a remarkable journey. All the longings of my life have led me to this amazing transition in my experience.' Ah, yes. Jump." -- Maryanne Radmacher

Some of my besties getting together one last time at the Raven's Nest:
( No furniture = floor party)

A few more photos of one of my favorite nights at the Nest!
Oh how I'll miss you 2-224

As I sit in my empty apartment I can feel the sadness begin to well up behind my eyes in the form of tears. Each moment I spend staring at the blank walls and empty living space I am reminded that this is the end of yet another chapter of my story. The end of a time in my life I thought that I wanted to last much longer; a time where I thought I would have more accomplished, loved more, and discovered much more. Instead I leave my last few years behind; my most treasured possessions packed away in boxes, my memories stored away in a safe place and the rest of my things discarded like yesterdays trash. As I begin to prepare for the future I begin to reminisce about the past. When I moved in this place two years ago I of course thought I had it all figured out; then all of a sudden something unexpected comes along and knocks you off track and you have to find a way to not only stand on your own two feet again but move forward on your own. As I pack up the last of my things, memories from the past twenty-four months in apartment 2-224 (aka the Raven's Nest) come flooding back to me. It was an unforgettable time in my life and a time that I feel like I grew up the most in. For the first time in my life I feel like I know what life wants from me and I'm going to do all I can to answer that call. This experience has taught me a lot about life and how to truly live it. With the last few days left in this empty place, it leaves me time to think about all that I have learned, all that I have become and all that I long to be in the future. It also leaves me with a deep appreciation and utter gratitude for what I had here and the relationships that I developed. I do not know what will come in the next twenty-four months; no one does, but what I do know is that no matter where my next chapter begins this is not the end of my book. My story just keeps getting better and better; you just have to keep reading.

"What do you pack to pursue a dream and what do you leave behind?" --Sandra Sharpe

"Continue to live toward your dream -- the ultimate embrace of it will be worth your journey." -- Elizabeth Gilbert

"The knowledge of your destiny may stalk you for years, undetected except for occassional moments of longing or hope that glint like eyeshine in your darkest hours. Then when you least expect it, a Wildly Improbable Goal (WIG) will leap out of nowhere and overwhelm you in one breathtaking burst." -- Martha Beck

"I will make a commitment to fulfilling my dreams no matter what I may be feeling and I will dare to move forward in the face of life's challenges. I will believe that what God has placed inside me is superior to the mountains that stand in my way." -- Lance Wubbles

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