"... the sacred marriage: the coming together of two who have each met themselves on the road. When two who have this intimacy with themselves are fully with each other -- whether for a lifetime or for a moment -- the word is held tenderly and fed by the image they create simply by being together. They can be friends or family, lovers or life partners, or simply two strangers whose lives intersect for a moment. They may be telling each other stories, or making love, or sharing a task, or sitting in silence together. It doesn't matter. If, having met myself in the empty moments, I am willing and able to bring all of who I am to another, receiving all of who they are, then we are truly together." -- Oriah "The Invitation"
"It's wedding season...!" -- Wedding Crashers
Cheers to all my dear friends who have recently gotten engaged! So happy to celebrate in the love that you and your wonderful mates have found! May your coming years be filled with unrelentless love, joy and most of all utter happiness!
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