Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Today Is: Fare Thee Well My Friend, Fare Thee Well Day

“Thanks for the memory… how lovely it was… It was swell while it lasted. We did have fun… so thanks for the memory… You never were a bore I thank you so much... Awfully glad I met you. Cheerio and toodleooh. Thank you so much!” – Rod Stewart “Thanks for the Memory”
“It’s the final steps of a journey that create an arrival.” – Sam Parker

Dear Denver,
I write this letter to you to show my deep appreciation and adamant love for the wonderful relationship we have established over the past two years. Although I met you long ago, I never was able to fully appreciate you and your beauty. As a young child, I never understood the history of your wisdom nor did I value your open mind; I was unaware of all the amazing traits that you have and all that you are capable of. It was not until I truly got to know you that I am now able to say that I am so much better for having you as a big part of my life. The past 24 months have been unforgettable and I have you to thank for that. I’ve gotten to know you quite well over these past couple of years and I’ve learned a great deal about you and about myself. I realized how much I love the city, I love being able to walk to almost all my destinations, I love that I can find serenity in your majestic surroundings but also am able to get lost in the commotion of others. I love that you accept all walks of life and your arms are open to all who wish to travel to see you. I love that no matter what time of day it is, you’re always ready to take on all adventures and that you have an unforgettable look about you when the sun hits you just right! I will always treasure the walks/runs, the late night events and entertainment, your impeccable taste for food, and the countless moments that are unable to be expressed in words; not to mention the great coffee shops that I spent many a hours at. Thank you for providing me with a greater sense of life; because of you I have come to understand the many blessings that I have been given and although it is with a distraught heart that I am packing my bags and saying goodbye, I know that it will not be forever. You have left quite an impression on my heart and when the day comes for me to return to the states I know that you Denver will be one of my first destinations that I must return to. Thank you for everything that you have provided me; I know that I am better because of you! As I drive away from my apartment one last time, I am overwhelmed with gratefulness. You are a one of a kind and I will always love you!

“A man travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”

– George Moore

“It’s impossible to summarize love.” – Meghan O’Rourke

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