“The next right decision… what is it?” -- Oprah
“I feel very adventurous. There are many doors to be opened and I’m not afraid to look behind them.” – Elizabeth Taylor
“What He opens no one can shut and what He shuts no one can open.”
– Revelations 3:7
As the door to apartment 2-224 swings shut one final time it symbolizes much more than a secured entry/exit. With the closing of one door many other doors have opened. It is time to move on, both in the physical sense of moving out of my Denver apartment and downtown living style to moving into the unknown, the unexplored and the unpredictable. It is also time to shut the door to living a life of comfort and mediocrity; for the door of uncertainty and passion has swung wide open. For one of the first times in my life I feel that I am not only following after my dreams, I am chasing them rampantly. In previous years I’ve opened the doors of my dreams, however I’ve never had the courage to walk forward into the unknown and embark wholeheartedly shutting the door behind me. Instead, I have found myself stuck in the doorway, one foot inside the other skeptically out waiting for someone to come in, turn on the lights and show me around. This time is different! I hear the small voice inside myself say, “unlock the door of your dreams and walk boldly in with conviction.” So that’s what I am about to do. I hold the key to my own future, it’s time, and I’m finally ready to turn the lock, open the door, and place both feet inside with everything that I have!
“…when we might step through the doorway into something bigger, better – both beyond ourselves and yet more of ourselves at the same time.” – David Whyte
“Right now… today, you are only one choice away from a new beginning.” – Marcy Blochowlak No Glass Ceiling, Just Blue Sky
“…so surely it is with us, there is a voice within if only we would listen to it; that tells us certainly when to go forth into the unknown.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
“Pushing past the envelope of comfort – those edges we impose on ourselves – is where big stuff happens. Stuff the meaning of which we often don’t know at the time.” – Patti Digh Life is a Verb