“Good enough never is.” – Debbi Field
“I realized today is the day I write my own story.” – unknown
With all the spare time that I have during my days right now I have had plenty of time to catch up on my reading and as with each month, I look forward to reading the month’s Oprah Magazine. For the last couple of weeks I have been eagerly questioning my mom if she saw the magazine in the mail, each day she would respond with, “It still hasn’t come!” Just as I started thinking that it must be time to renew my subscription, it arrived! I was eager to read this month’s magazine even before it came, but after I saw the Cover Title, “Find Your True Calling!” I was even more ecstatic as I knew it would come with words of encouragement and inspiration; yet again I was not disappointed.
“We all hope to spend our lives doing what we love most – but that doesn’t mean that we have to do it for a living. Whether you’ve got plenty of time to yourself or not nearly enough… using it to pursue what interests you can be as rewarding as any dream job.” As much as I agree with this statement from Oprah I also have to disagree. When I tell people my hope is to one day be working in my dream job I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard people make comments such as, “It’s not very often that you get to do what you love for a living.” Why is this? I often ask myself. Why do we tend to settle for anything but the best for ourselves? Why do we settle in jobs that don’t allow us to express who we are; we settle for jobs that do not bring us alive; jobs that don’t make us any better of a person which in turn doesn’t make the world better. Anytime we settle for anything in life, from my own experiences at least, I have later come to find out that I am not at my most joyful self. I am not fully alive in these moments of “good enough” I just am. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it takes a moment of settlement to understand what it is that you are truly striving for, in such moments you may come into yourself understanding that what you have is not enough, nor will ever be enough, until you follow your heart and your dreams. I am grateful to say that this has happened to me. I will not say with regret that I have settled for many things, including love, jobs and life itself, however I can say that if it were not for these moments that I “settled” I would not be able to understand what it truly means to follow my dreams. It is because of such moments that I can look back with gratitude for the lessons that I learned along the way and it is with grace that I know that my future will not allow me to settle. I want the best and I am going to do everything that I can to achieve that. Today is the day that I must begin to write the story of my so called life; for today is just the beginning of something great!
“I knew that I would die unfulfilled if I did not turn myself inside out and go to the limits of my creative ability.” – Gay Hendricks “Five Wishes”
“Your dream has its own heartbeat. Listen for it…” – Deb Walsh
“Live by design, not by accident.” – Martha Beck
“You can only become truly accomplished at something you love.
Don’t make money your goal.
Instead, pursue the things you love doing, and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.” – Maya Angelou
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