Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today Is... Who Are YOU Day?

Who are you?

I am not easily defined
I wouldn't make a good Facebook status or Tweet
As I don't do 20 words or less
I don't fit nicely in a box
Nor do I color in the lines
I tend to be overly passionate about social issues
But incredibly detached with societal norms
I shy away from the status quo
In dire fear that I will only be mediocre
My biggest fear is mediocrity!
Tell me I can't do something
And I'll prove to you I CAN
I seek out tough challenges
Knowing my greatest times of pain
Have produced my greatest moments of gain
I am a child of God
And a sister to all those who surround me
I believe in dreams
As they are the catalyst to my future
I am a teacher, a motivator, a giver, a lover, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a granddaughter, a cousin, a woman, a person
      I am ME

Friday, May 25, 2012

Today Is: 25 In Change: Day 19

"To them, the gift was not a sacrifice but a delight. Sacrifice is the true measure of generosity." -- Our Daily Bread

"If you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for everything." -- unknown
Another great e-mail that I received in my inbox from the site, it's said so perfectly that I had to share it here. 6 more days to go! Let's do this:)

Believing that those in impoverished circumstances can create change makes it happen. ~ Ruth Steinberger
If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I've learned so far in life, these are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
We can all personally take steps to halt injustice or alleviate suffering on our own, and certainly our individual efforts can bring about substantial goodness and change. However, when we empower others to join us, our collective efforts reverberate like a pebble hitting the water... and our effectiveness grows exponentially, often in ways we would not have imagined.
If we presume that others bring meaningful information and dialogue to the table, they will come through in ways that they themselves often didn't expect. In communities in which suffering is chronic due to poverty, social isolation or even natural disaster, a sense of having the capacity to create change may be absent. By being a catalyst for change, we offer part of our self to the process by which change comes about.
Suffering always accompanies poverty and isolation. But when people do not feel the capacity to become effective they very often come to accept what is unacceptable. This isn't due to a lack of desire for change; it's survival. Conversely, when people are genuinely empowered to care effectively, they usually choose to do so.
When we empower others to act, the outcome is far greater than the sum of the individual people involved. Creating change is to share knowledge, skills and confidence which empower people to move forward. When empowered to act, people who previously felt powerless come to mirror many of the attributes we see as our own best.
From that point of understanding we become partners in change. We help to create the leadership that we hope to see. And although others may not have the background or knowledge that we bring to the table, as organizers it is vital to recognize that our connectedness enables "people" to become the "process," and for ideas to take shape.
Change is not the result of isolated thoughts (no matter how astute): it is the result of the sharing of those thoughts, turning them into activity and turning activity into outcomes.
After all, though we bring certain skills to the table, others bring a sense of community to the table along with a genuine personal investment in the outcome and a feet-on-the-ground understanding of the issues. It takes a team to create effective and meaningful change and wherever there are people who care there is the potential for change.

"If a man hasn't discovered something he'd die for, he isn't fit to live." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

"Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better." -- unknown

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 18

"Trials are not enemies of faith, but are opportunities to prove God's faithfulness." 
-- Mary Bevis & Nini Sieck

"God didn't promise days without pain
laughter without sorrow
sun without rain
But he did promise
strength for the day
comfort for the tears
and light for the way." -- unknown

"'Give us this day our daily bread'. 'Give us this day, our daily bread.' We're asking for our daily provision. I don't know that I've ever had to pray this because I've lived with so much for so much of my life. But think about that phrase, you're saying, 'God, give us this day our daily bread.' Just give me enough to get me through this day. The truth is, if God just gave us our daily bread, many of us would be angry. 'That's all you're gonna give me? You're just gonna give me enough to sustain me for today? What about tomorrow, or next year or 10, 20, 30 years from now? I wanna know that I'm set up. And Jesus says, just pray for your daily provisions."

As I  listened to this video of Franis Chan speaking on prayer, that moment spoke to me; it spoke to because over the past 17 days I've wondered, have we inspired others to become a part of this fight, and fight with us? Have we moved others to donate $25 to help feed 101 people? Will all 25 of us be provided with our daily bread? I think the part that really spoke to me though was when he said, "The truth is, if God just gave us our daily bread, many of us would be angry. 'That's all you're gonna give me? You're just gonna give me enough to sustain me for today? What about tomorrow..." This blew me away... I couldn't help but get emotional as I listened to this, over and over again, thinking about the pain and the anger that I have experienced over the past 17 days. Eating only enough food to sustain me has left me feeling empty on so many levels. My joy no longer remains, my eagerness to do things has evaded, and my passion to pursue my dreams seems to have gotten lost somewhere else in my mind; there's no more gas in the tank, I feel as if I've been running on empty, however each time I think that I can go on no longer; that I'm gonna stall on the side of the road and putter out, I am uplifted.  I am given much more than my daily bread, I am given guidance, encouragement, love and support from all my friends, all my family, and all the 25 in Change advocates. God has me right where he wanted me all along, finding myself empty and seeking Him and those who surround me to fill me back up and make me full again. What a wonderful lesson!

"God keeps his promise, and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the same time you are put to the test, he will give you strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out." -- 1 Corinthians 10

"He keeps me functioning each and every day. Without Him, I will be nothing. But, with Christ, He strengthens me." -- Philippians 4:13

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 17

"P.U.S.H. -- Pray Until Something Happens" -- unknown

" the kind of people that have enough passion to change the world. If we let ourselves be fire, thunder, or lightening, we could alter everything." -- Diary 43 Freedom Writer's Diary

"You want to get a cupcake with me?" she asked as we sat in our monthly team meeting. "I can't," I responded. "Oh, you on some kind of diet or something?" she asked. "Well not really. It's this thing at my church called 25 in Change" and I told her all about what we were doing. "Well I'm not going to have a cupcake then either." "No, please if you want to eat a cupcake, feel free, this isn't the first nor will it be the last time I will be around food." I told her. "No, if you're only eating rice and beans, I can go without a cupcake," she said with a smile. "Now how do I get involved?" she asked. The following week I sent her some information and she kindly sent it out to her friends and family, and within minutes of her e-mail I received this from her cousin.

"We would love to participate and I wanted to share with you why.  About a week ago, I was putting Karter to bed and before I left the room he said “Mom, are their kids in Africa who don’t have food?”  I told him yes and that there were hungry children and people of all ages around the world, even right here in our city.  He said that he wanted to use the money he has saved from cat-sitting his Aunt’s cats to feed the kids in Africa.  He has $51.  I told him that we would look together and he could choose which program he wanted to use it for.   I know he would love to support you Andrea.  So we will register for $100, $50 from Karter and $50 from us.  Good luck on this journey!!!" 

I was blown away. Not only were they willing to support someone they didn't know, but their 6 year old son was thinking of children all across the world that he didn't know and wanted to help. It brought me to tears as I read this. At 6 years old, I don't remember thinking about the children across the globe, I think I was mostly interested in what toys I was going to play with that day and if Ernie was on Seasame Street. But this little 6 year old was thinking of others and wanted to do something to help. To save his own money to donate just blows me away. Once again, I am in awe of the miracles that God has worked over the past 18 days and I am so grateful for children such as Karter, and for parents like Karter's who have taught him that to get along in this world we cannot think of only ourselves, we must think of all of humanity as our brothers and sisters. Please remember the children in Africa, in India, in China, in Chile, in the United States who all must go hungry, and remind yourself of little 6 year old Karter's generosity. May he inspire you as much as he has inspired me! God bless

"How our children live tomorrow depends on what we teach them today." -- Our Daily Bread

"From what we get we can make a living. What we give, however, makes a life." 
-- Arthur Ashe

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 16

"Be quiet and listen and when called upon act." -- James Ahlschwede

I got this in my e-mail today from, it is written by Vicky Darden, I thought I would share it as it seemed fitting for this time in my life Hope you enjoy!

"A few caring people will change the world; they are the only thing that can."
 ~ Vicky Darden
If I could share 500 words of wisdom to summarize what I've learned so far in life, these are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...
None of us know when our last day in this realm here on earth will be, as each moment dies in order for the next moment to be born.
Know that we are not our experiences. What happens to the physical does not need to alter the spirit, the essence of who we truly are. You are not your stories, if you don't like your Story, tell yourself a new one, a more positive one. Create your story the way you want it to be.
In full knowledge that I am lucky to be alive, each day is a blessing. Each day starts with thoughts of gratitude. I believe when we are grateful for what we have, no matter how small, we bring blessings into our lives, those blessings may come as a smile from a stranger, a hug just when you need one, a meal when you are hungry, or simply the courage to find your way through a really tough day.
The two most important questions I ask in my life are, "What can I do for someone else today?" and, "What will I do for myself today?". I ask them in that order because in doing something for someone else I've done something for myself. The world should be looked at as a "favor bank," a place where we continually pay things forward.
In a world that seems to live as if each one of us is a separate being, I challenge that belief with my knowledge that we are all connected. The air you are breathing has been breathed into the lungs of someone else next to you, miles from you, and even halfway around the world.
When we understand our connectedness we realize that whatever we do to someone else, we do to ourselves. Kindness given is kindness received. You may not find that kindness in the person you gave it to but kindness will return to you. Live in present moment awareness and you will see the blessings.
Kindness, unlike stuff, is one thing that creates more joy and more blessings in our lives. So many people believe that if a small amount of "stuff" makes them happy, then surely the more "stuff" we have the happier we will be. I have found this to be exactly the opposite. The less stuff we have, the less complicated our lives are and the simpler we live the more grateful we are.
I truly believe that at the end of the day if we were asked what is right with the world we need to be able to say, "I am." One person can make a difference and should always strive to do so, one act of kindness at a time.

"When we allow love to define who we are as we work, we become irristiable leaders for a contagious passion for what we do." -- unknown

Monday, May 21, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 15

"Instead of telling the world
What it is supposed to do,
Why don't you immediately do it yourself?
In this way, I assure you,
Your happiness will be surprisingly multiplied." -- Sri Chinmoy

I received an e-mail from my mom about my post that I had written on Day 13 and I just want to clear a few things up and apologize at the same time. First and foremost, my post seemed to read that I was ungrateful for all my loving friends and family that have stood by me and supported in so many things and I want all those people to know how grateful I truly am for everything that you have done, there are no words that could express my gratitude or my deep appreciation for the friend, family, and loving supportive people that you all are. With that said, I also want to make it clear that my anger in that post is not directed at any one person, but more at our society as a whole, which includes myself. How could we be living like this, where much of our nation is overweight or obese, while literally millions of children go starving every day? It's time that we wake up and do something about it. And in case you missed the message in Day 13, as I gathered I wasn't very clear about what I was trying to say, (I'm gonna blame this one on the rice and beans brain) As I wrote that post, I went from blaming others, wondering to myself, "Why have they not done anything? Why does this not matter to them?" but by the end of it, I was reminded, that I must be the example. I must be the change that I want to see. My mom kindly reminded me that we're all bombarded with tons of good causes that we could get involved with or donate to etc... and sometimes people's passions might not align with my own. I understand this, and I hope you all know that I am grateful for each and everyone of you, who have donated, and for those who have not, but have stood beside me in this challenge and many other "crazy" things that I've done. I also want to make it clear that this is not about the me, the other 24 advocates, or the money that is donated, but more so about the awareness of making a world change. Saying, Enough is Enough, it's time we do something about this! Let's get crazy!!!

 (My dad said to me the other day, 'I don't want to hear about any more crazy things you're going to do anytime soon' Doesn't he know that "the crazy one's are the one's who see things differently?... They change things, they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy one's, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the one's who do.")

P.S. Thanks Mom for always making me the best that I can be, I really appreciate you and all your support and love! You are amazing:)

"Nothing that really calls you is ever for you alone." -- Bishop T.D. Jakes

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 14

God is the real start of our story, but it has been awesome to see how he has used us to make an impact on so many lives." -- Kim & Krickett Carpenter The Vow

"Give with no expectations" -- Daryl Wizelman

If you read my post from yesterday "Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 13" you will know that these people named below are not in that group that just wants to sit back and hope for change to come their way; no these people are the change makers. They understand that change isn't going to come unless they change themselves.

 Like one of my favorite artists, Michael Jackson's song "Man in the Mirror" says,
"I See The Kids In The Street,
With Not Enough To Eat
Who Am I, To Be Blind?
Pretending Not To See
Their Needs...
I'm Starting With The Man In
The Mirror
I'm Asking Him To Change
His Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
These people are making a change. Thank you to you all for helping support me, my fellow advocates and all the children in the world who you have helped feed. You are truly a blessing from God.
Deba Larson
Rachel Stewart
Renae Weidenkeller
Marnie Phillips
Danielle  Bushaw
Steven Dodrill
Anna Oertli
Pat Bucci
Richie  Rodriguez
Erica Montgomery
Kaitlyn Herbert
Anne Bliss
Nicole Jui
Laura Peters
Charles MacDonald
Lisa Bucci
Katy Stewart
Betsy Phillips
Alicia Ready
Gayle Kilker
Brian Brito
Kristine  Solis
Joyce Swanson
Jodi Schanil

"Every so often do one small thing to enhance someone else's life." -- Regina Brett Be the Miracle

"You have a heart that is so beautiful to me." -- Kim & Krickett Carpenter The Vow

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 13

Emotion is what creates motion." -- Tony Robbins
"...empathy only produces more of itself. It is never satisfied or quenched, and where empathy exists, walls fall down, and the love of God built into human beings only grows stronger as it comes in contact with someone else's empathy. Empathy, and more formally understood as love, is the most contagious and inexhaustible gift from God." --Andre Roux
I finally made a team 25 in Change meeting the other night and I cannot tell you how grateful I am that I was there. Our topic of discussion was empathy. Empathy defined by the dictionary is: Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. We broke into our small groups to discuss further this concept of empathy and the journey we have gone through in accordance to empathy. As we sat and talked I thought a lot about the past 13 days and the pains, and disappointments that I have gone through. When I signed up for this I didn’t realize the effect it was going to have on my body, my mind nor my soul, but as I reflect back on the past 12 days I have come to see that this has already impacted my life in such ways that I wasn’t prepared for. When Minde, our missional director at Pathways Church, spoke about this revolution of 25 in Change I was totally in, both feet, ready to jump and ride the waves wherever they took me as her message was so powerful and moving. I felt compelled to do something (See “I Want Change Day”) but after these 13 days my attitude has shifted. 
(Author disclaimer: I’m about to get real so buckle up. If you cannot handle the truth, stop reading and go back to your TMZ Magazine)
 It’s day 13 and I’ve found my empathy directed at myself and the 24 other advocates that are partaking in this challenging endeavor instead of at the children that we are supporting. My anger no longer lies in the absence that the world isn’t doing anything, but more so that those who I consider my support system (my friends and family) are not doing anything! (Another note, thank you to all of you that have supported me, and a huge shout out to those people who are not even friends of mine but still found it important to donate. All of you are helping to change the world) Sure, they may ask, “How’s the rice and beans?” (typically with a smirk of, you’re crazy for doing this, or occasionally with a look of sympathy like, I feel bad for you as I can see this has made you miserable,) but neither of these makes me feel better, more often than not, they only make me feel worse as I want to scream, if you feel so bad for me, why don’t you do something about it? There’s a quote that I always loved but it’s never meant so much to me as it does now… “I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.” – Lily Tomlin
As I read this, I am reminded that you can rely on no one person to make a difference. If you want to see a change made, you must be the change. If you want something, you must go out and get it. If you want to be the advocate for these children all across the globe who are literally starving to death (14,000 children every day die from starvation) you must understand what it is like to starve and writhe in pain from hunger, for without this understanding, you would never be able to understand and empathize what these children go through, and you would be just like everyone else, sitting back, hands in your pockets, clinging to your dollars, with those sympathetic eyes that say, "I feel sorry for all those children who are starving, that's sad, but this sure is great pizza."
Want to be a change maker, visit:
"The major key to your better future is you." -- Jim Rohn
"Pray as if everything depends upon God, but you got to act as if everything depends on you." -- Oprah Winfrey

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 12

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows." -- Ben Stein

Driving into work this morning I turned on Gil’s past Sunday sermon needing a good laugh and words of
encouragement as day 12 has left me feeling a little emotionally and physically drained. Gil’s sermon was
about friends and the relationships of those in our lives; just what I needed. Gil spoke of buddies vs.
friends vs. family. He said, buddies are people you may grab a beer with or share in a story with, friends
are those people who support you and remain loyal to you in situations, but family, family are those people
who no matter what, are always by your side, cheering you on, encouraging you, telling you the truth and
truly sharing in life with you. Those family friends are the people that you open up to, that you share in life
with and they in return do the same to you. Listening to this I started thinking, how many of my “friends”
are just buddies and how many are like family? I’ve always considered myself blessed by the number of
friends that I have in my life, but as I listened to this, I was struck with the realization that some of those
“friends” are just buddies, while others are loyal friends, and very select few are like family. Although this
may seem discouraging, thinking that out of my group of “friends” I only could name a handful that are like
family, I am more than encouraged. People come into our lives for very specific reasons and they play a
certain role in our lives while they are there. I would relate this to a football team, being the quarterback
you carry the team, wins, losses, it all rides on your shoulders. But even though the team depends on you
as the quarterback you typically have your select few that are your go-to guys, however you need the
whole team to win games. Take Peyton Manning and Reggie Wayne for instance. From 2001-2010 Wayne
caught 787 passes from Manning totaling 10,748 yards and scored 69 touchdowns, to an outsider it may
have seemed that Wayne was the only guy on the team capable of making big time plays. Let us not
forget, Marvin Harrison, Edgerrin James, Joesph Addai, Brandon Stokley, all great players just not
Manning’s go to. Aaron Rodgers has Donald Driver, John Elway had Shannon Sharpe and Terrel Davis,
and the Raven’s have Ray Lewis. I would argue that these guys are not just considered buddies or
“friends” to these organizations, but family, however none of these guys would be what they are/were if it
were not for the others on their team. Buddies, friends, and family all play a significant part in our lives, we
need each one, just as a quarterback needs lineman, and defensive ends, as much as he needs running
backs and wide receivers to win championships. What I am trying to say is that I am so grateful for my
buddies who I can grab casual beers with on a Friday night, I’m even more grateful for those friends to
whom I know I can share in stuff with and who will be loyal friends until the end, but mostly I am so
thankful for that handful of friends who are more like family to me. For they are the ones I will do life with
forever, they are the ones that I can count on in any and every situation, no matter how tough or terrible.
These family friends are supportive in all that I do and they push me to be a better version of myself, just
by being the wonderful selves that they are! As I mentioned, today is day 12 of 25 in Change, which means that I still have 13 more days to go. YIKES! I know if it were not for my family friends and the 24 other advocates who fight with me in this battle I would never have made it this far. In closing, think about your friendships, do you have family friends? If not, I pray that you allow yourself to open up to others and begin to form that family friendship, because without that community, life is so much harder. As I always say, “Life was not meant to be lived alone, if it were, God would not have created an earthly world where we are all in this together.”

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Today Is: 25 in Change: Day 11

"It is not important how much time you have on earth but what you do with it that matters." -- unknown

"It's only when we forget about ourselves that we do the things that deserve to be remembered." 
-- Rick Warren The Purpose Driven Life

This will darn near break your heart, hope it breaks it in a way that makes you want to get involved and help put an end to world hunger! To get involved, go to

"Whenever you possibly can, do good to those who need it. Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now." -- Proverbs 3:27

"For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited me in." -- Matthew 25:35