Sunday, March 18, 2012

Today Is... I WANT CHANGE Day

“I wondered what could happen if the rich of the world would share with the poor… without holding back, giving their all and believing that the Lord would provide more as needed.” – Katie Davis ‘Kisses from Katie’

“God wanted us to care for the poor, not just care about them, but to truly take care of them, and many of us were not doing so. God told us to love our neighbors as ourselves, but so many of our neighbors were starving to death while our tables were filled with abundance.” – Katie Davis ‘Kisses from Katie’

When I come to a stop, I hunch over the steering wheel and weep. How could we let this happen, how could I become numb to such tragedy? Watching statistics scroll across a screen, my  mind goes blank, my heart becomes numb and I have found myself checked out thinking it’s just a number, until I am slapped violently with the realization that that number, is not just a number, but a child’s beating heart, a  babies starving cry, my fellow brother or sister screaming for affection. I am saddened beyond belief and I am mad as hell.

“For the first time in humanity over one billion people are chronically hungry.” Please read this again, and this time, let your mind try to wrap around what this means, “For the first time in humanity over one billion people are chronically hungry.” If you’re like me, one billion people is almost impossible to imagine, so think of it like this, every 60 seconds, 10 children die from starvation. I don’t know about you, but I cannot sit by knowing that this kind of suffering is happening in our world. In a world where we are more obsessed with celebrities, fashion, and the Prince of England’s wedding than we are about injustices, world tragedies and the dire needs of dying children. In America we are overly blessed with the abundance of food, clothing, shelter, communication, entertainment, wealth; I could go on and on we have so much stuff. We are a community that feeds off of greed. We never are satisfied with what we have or content with having less, instead we stand in line to buy the newest iPad, the greatest new video game, or camp out for the limited edition electronics; needless to say we already have all of these we just want the best of the best, because that’s what we deserve right?  Well I hope that one day, and I hope that it’s sooner rather than later, we’ll wake up to realize that all our material possessions are just that, things that clutter our lives and take away from the true values of what we have in our lives, like our friends and our families. Our material possessions cannot be taken with us when we leave this world, and for most of us, we’ll be wanting to discard of them soon anyway we when get word that Apple is coming out with the iPad4. I long for the day that instead of camping outside a movie theater to be the first to see the midnight showing of Hunger Games, we’ll be sitting around with friends on weeknights staying up past midnight, sharing in ways to end world hunger. Instead of athletes going on strike because they are not making enough money, they will donate a large amount of their money to take a strike against the injustices of the world. I dare to dream that instead of waiting to buy the newest electronic device to be put on the shelf the minute the next great thing comes out, we will question what is truly best for the consumer here; and what is it that we should actually be consuming. I would like to challenge each and every one of you that takes the time to read this to think about what it is that you are starving for? Is it food, or is it the idea that you’ll have everything you ever wanted if you could just have X. Then before you go to buy that one item that will make you the happiest you’ve ever been, contemplate what it would mean if you decided to give up your material possession for something as wonderful as filling the belly of a starving child; helping to end world hunger and making that child the happiest they’ve been knowing that someone in the world cares about them and they are loved. Just think, as you’re day dreaming of buying “X” that young girl in Africa is daydreaming of eating a meal tonight. While you’re in line, waiting for the newest toy to be released, that young boy in India stands in line wondering if there will be enough food for him to eat. And as you pull out your credit card to buy another useless item you don’t need, think about using that card to help a child in need by using it to give more by having less. Please don’t let the statistics be just that, a statistic, because if we don’t do something about it now, sooner rather than later, you or someone you know very well could be one of those statistics that the world turns their back to, saying, oh it’s just another number. While you scream, I’m more than a number I am a child of God. If it was your mom, your sister, your dad, your brother, or Jesus standing on the street corner holding a sign that read, “HUNGRY, PLEASE HELP” could you walk away? I didn’t think so, please don’t wait, they need our help now. Your 60 seconds has started and I hope you're willing to say enough is enough; I'm doing something about this.

To learn more about ways to get involved in ending world hunger, please e-mail saying "I WANT CHANGE". This is associated with Pathways Church in Denver, and their valiant effort to help end world hunger.

“Miracles aren’t what other people do. They’re what each of us does. They’re what happens when ordinary people take extraordinary action.” – Regina Brett ‘Be the Miracle’

“I wanted to give even more. I wanted to do more for the people who needed help and I wanted others to rise up and do the same. I didn’t want to simply care for these people, I wanted to advocate for them. I wanted to raise more awareness for these voiceless unseen children.” – Katie Davis ‘Kisses from Katie’

Friday, March 16, 2012

Today Is... The Joke's on Me Day

"Don't wait for people to smile. Show them how." -- unknown

'tinate' the Bari word for 'thank you'

This March weather has been so wonderful that today I decided my transparent skin could use a little color so I got out for a short walk to enjoy the rays as they beat down on my whitened shell. As I was walking, I see this guy start running at me from across the street... I'm looking around thinking maybe he's charging to embrace his long lost lover but soon realize he is making a B-Line right for me. I can feel my palms get a little sweaty as I get a little nervous, unsure of his intentions. He stops me, totally out of breath, and asks "Do you have a lighter?" "Unfortunately I don't" I respond, trying to mask my fearful chuckle... "Sorry," I say as I begin to back away. He smiles and says, "You look... I mean... um... I really like your outfit." He stumbles over his words as if there were stones lining the inside of his throat. I smile, thank him, and quickly walk away trying to stifle my laughter, hoping to get as far away before he hears me laugh out loud . Did that guy just tell me he liked my outfit, I thought to myself? That's awesome:) There I was nervous that this man was going to chase me down to hurt me, but instead he did just the opposite, he had me grinning the rest of the walk back! Laughing at the hilarity of the whole scene, I find myself replaying thoughts just moments before. I had been begging God to give me something to smile about, seeing as work is making me pretty drab; and not only did He listen, He knew just how to deliver. Through comedic relief, God knows me so well and he loves me so much that He told me a joke in such a way that I could appreciate. I am grateful for this moment as it reminds me that even through the mundane, life is always good for a laughJ Looks like the jokes on me!

"If you're not making someone else's life better than you're wasting your time." -- Will Smith

"Be happy -- it's the taste that lingers." -- Mary Anne Radmacher

"Every so often do one small thing to enhance someone else's life." -- Regina Brett 'Be the Miracle'

Monday, March 5, 2012

Today Is... Walk It Off Day

Every great dreams begins 
Always remember, you have within you
To reach for the stars
To change the world." -- Harriet Tubman 

As I sat in church last night I listened to Gil, my pastor, talk about being "Bummed" in the sense of vision. He referred to this state as the state of your vision where you have not only come to the brick wall, but you've hit the brick wall at full speed. At the beginning of your vision, he explained, you are so excited, you're jacked up! You have this newfound purpose for living and you can't wait to get out in the world and make it no longer just a vision but reality. Before you are able to make this happen, you have to fully understand your vision. In doing so, we often question, is this a vision I created for myself or is this a vision from God? When we are certain that it's a vision from God, we must surpass the fear and jump into that purpose wholeheartedly! But as everyone knows, what goes up (JUMP) must come down (FALL) so although you may have taken the jump it's likely you might suddenly get the feeling like you're falling in every direction possible. But this is where it gets really good... God is making sure that you're committed to this journey no matter the struggles, disappointments or brick walls you may stumble upon. He wants to know that you're committed to pick yourself up and climb over the wall that moments before stopped you dead in your tracks. In my experience, I think this might be God's way of preparing me for a journey that I cannot even begin to comprehend right now; a journey that will be filled with many fumbles, stumbles and great brick walls, but in the end a journey that I'll be able to look back on with the world and know that I was created for it! As I listened intently to Gil sledge through this topic of being bummed something resonated... Do you have someone in your life, that as you struggle through the phase of being bummed, will tell you, "Get off your butt, wipe your tears, and get on with what you were created to do?" As cliche as it is, the lightbulb came on and I thought of my parents, especially my dad. What months before I saw as criticism and denial, I now recognize as his old fashioned way of handling situations when I was hurt as a child when he would say to me, "Walk it off!" So that is just what I am going to do, I'm going to get back on track, knowing that my vision lies before me, and the only way that I'll ever get there is to continue through the struggles, climb the walls, and be brave enough to "Walk it Off"!

"To live boldly suggest, that you can outfit your soul for the journey of your dreams or for the unusual demands of particular day." -- Mary Anne Radmacher "Live Boldly"

"I felt a sense of liberation and strength knowing that this was an effort worth trying with all my heart."
           -- Lynn Hill

To check out Gil's sermon, please visit or click on the link below:

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Today Is: I Write...Day

"Word birds -- Winged thoughts that fly out of my daily experience and come to roost as poetry." 
-- Mary Anne Radmacher "Live With Intention"

"I absolutely love to read, and when you love to read, the whole world opens up." 
-- Regina Brett "Be The Miracle"

I spend a lot of my time reading, I love to read (this could quite possibly be the biggest understatement). A good book to me is words to my soul, fuel for my mind and the most powerfully inspiring tool that turns the cogs of passion inside my heart. Sometimes I'll read books and find myself so immersed in the pages that I become one with the book. I get so involved with books that I tend to write all over them, making them no longer a space of organized verbiage and thoughts, but instead a well painted upon canvas with my own ideas, questions, and underlined passages of inspiration! I recently stumbled upon this quote by a man named Stefan G. Bucher in his book 344 Questions, "...a tattered, busted-up book -- filled out, and scribbled upon -- means you've found out new things about yourself and you're inspired to take action." Those 25 words were so powerful to me, for they not only represented my relationship with books, but the kind of romance that I want my readers to have with what I write. As so many of you know, writing is a passion of mine. I write to respond to the life I so long to understand. I write because I don't know how to be silent. I write because I have thoughts, questions, comments and lessons I need to not only be able to say but share with all those who are eager to listen. I write because that is what I am, a writer with a capitol W. I write because I am inspired by others words and wisdom and I want others to be inspired by me. I write because my life is a classroom, and the only way I know how to share my lessons, is through the written words of my soul. I write because this is what God made me to do, he gave me the gift of the written word, and if I cannot write, than I cannot live. 

What is it you were meant to do? What gift did God give that was only intended for you? Remember this, if you don't do it, it will never be done.

"My mission is to inspire and be inspired. Inspiration is the word of my mission." 
-- Mary Anne Radmacher "Live Boldly"

"If we do everything else but one thing, we will be lost. And if we do nothing else but that one thing, we will have lived a glorious life." -- Rumi

P.S. A few months ago I read this short e-book called "The Writers Manifesto" by Jeff Goins. I was not only impressed by his words, but also intrigued by his willingness to share what it takes to be a writer in this competitive dog-eat-dog world. Recently he sent an e-mail to his followers, offering the first 100 people who responded to the e-mail two new free e-books about writing (with the agreement that we would share them too) So as promised, Jeff, I thoroughly enjoyed "Every Writers Dream'... very inspiring and motivating! "The world needs this. More than you know. We are waiting for your words. Longing to be changed by them." I loved that quote from it. And "Before Your First Book" had some great direction and lessons to be learned from you. Thank you again for sharing. For those of you that want to check them out, Jeff has given me permission to share this link with you. Enjoy

"...We're done here. Now go do something that matters" -- Jeff Goins "Every Writers Dream"