Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today Is: Think Positive Thoughts Day

"Run away from toxic people. Instead surround yourself with others who are positive, who support you and want you to succeed." -- Gayle King

"Life has a way of giving you it's nectar one beautiful moment at a time... Life gives you the opportunities to appreciate it, but it is your job to wrap your arms around these opportunities." -- Justin Spizman & Robyn F. Spizman "Don't Give Up... Don't Ever Give Up ~ The Inspiration of Jimmy V"

"Positive thoughts, we're thinking positive thoughts." Those were the exact words she said to me as we walked into work today. I'm so unhappy with my current job that those around me have to remind me to think positively; who is this negative nay-say that cannot seem to see the silver lining? I typically would refer to myself as a very positive and upbeat person, however it seems that the moment I walk into the building my first thought  is, how do I walk right back out? Negativity 101! YIKES. Unfortunately I think that this little negative spell has been brought on from many of my past decisions that I am just beginning to see the effects of. As I begin to approach my 26th birthday I am looking back over the past couple of years and wondering to myself what it is that I have truly accomplished and what it is that I am living for? Besides coaching and the i have. i give. Project, I might argue that my past couple of years have not really chalked up to much, and I really have nothing to be proud of and say, I did that for them. (I hope that you're not reading this feeling sorry for me right now, this really is not a pity party) All that I am trying to say is that when I was younger, at least when I was still in college, I can vividly remember thinking to myself, when I'm 25 I am going to have X, Y and Z and I'm going to be able to consider myself successful. Here I am, 2 weeks away from turning 26 and the only thing that I have is a F. (Again not looking for your sympathy) I haven't done anything that I am overtly proud of yet, I haven't landed my dream job, my dream husband, or my dream life; instead I happen to be finding myself right now just dreaming about what that life would look like. I'm dreaming about a life that I could not only say, "Just livin' the dream" but really mean it! I reflect back over my past decisions and I feel ashamed, cheated and mostly irresponsible for not taking my life by the reigns and running with all the wonderful opportunities that I was given. Luckily for me, and everyone out there thinking the same thing, it is never too late. We can reach behind us, grab hold of the reigns and take hold of our lives. We are the commanders of our own ships, and we direct the sails. So stop sitting idly by and wondering if the tide will ever change, grab hold and chase your dreams the way that you were intended to; with gusto.

"Plot your course, because only then can you start heading toward your destination." -- Justin Spizma & Robyn F. Spizma "Don't Give Up... Don't Ever Give Up ~ The Inspiration of Jimmy V"

"...Release the dead weight of what I hope will happen -- and fully embrace the possibilities of what is happening." -- Theresa

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