Saturday, June 4, 2011

Today Is: Bring Your Own Sunshine Day

This is another entry that I wanted to share because it is the beginning of my photo blog post, however I needed a good shove to really begin.

With the past few weeks being gloomy skies, cooler temperatures and the final weeks of spring, I must admit it's great to not only see the sun but feel it's heat radiate off of my skin. This morning as I participated in an ovarian cancer awareness race I started thinking... I've been really sad, gloomy and my temperature has been anything but warm lately; although I'm still working through the why I came to a realization; I must bring my own sunshine. As I was walking I glimpsed down at my shoes and couldn't help but be happy for the colors fill me with joy and they radiate their own light; and that was when it clicked; I must bring my own sunshine. In a time where I feel alone, confused and searching for the answers to some of my life's most difficult questions, I found myself smiling and radiating a little brighter light today. I realized that no matter the weather, circumstances or the surroundings I must bring my own sunshine to brighten me and hopefully others in the process. I feel a little bit brighter and lighter today and I hope that I remember the next time that my state is gloomy; I'm the keeper of my own sun and unless I let it shine, me and my mood will remain dark. So never let the gloom of your surroundings or your emotions hide the bright light inside your soul. We can always use more sunshine, let it shine!!!

"Your greatest opportunities to positively affect another person's life is to accept God's love into your own. By being the light, you shine the light -- on everyone and everything."
-- Marianne Williamson


"Write no matter how good it isn't or is. Writing is liberating. Stop reading books about writing and just start now." -- Jill Badonsky Awe-Manac

You know those friends that push you and push you and push you some more because they see the potential that you have but are not using? I have several friends like that I am blessed to admit and they push me to do things that sometimes may seem out of my comfort zone or may make me feel uninterested in; but I am so grateful for those constant reminders that life is all about living it. At the beginning of this new year I started questioning what it was that I was living for? As much as I love life, something was missing from mine, something that I just couldn't put my finger on. Then one day, I came across this book titled, "The Awe-Manac~ A Daily Dose of Wonder" It is a book that helps inspire the creative in you each day of the year; it was just the tool I needed to help me get out of what I was deeming my unwillingness to write as horrible "Writers Block". I went out and purchased a new journal that I devoted to writing each entry as a special day (i.e. Today is __________ Day). February 21, was my first entry titled, "Sparkle and Shine Day." I would like to share a piece from that entry to help you better understand where I was at in my life. "...Today I awake with a lighted heart and mind for I found great joy in the discoveries of today. I've been awakened by my creativity once again and I am overjoyed with the opportunities for me ahead. My soul shines and radiates a new glow for it has been called into action once again. With pen in hand and paper beneath I feel alive and free... My written word is going to pack my bags on the journey of adventure and explore the realms of my creativity. For too long I've been shoving my creative dreams into the trunk of insecurity and doubt until recently when I stumbled upon a few inspirational books that have graciously shoved me onto the plank of imagination. I walk the plank of discovery but I do not sink into the cold waters of misery; no I leap and I soar into the possibilities of my dreams.
The Plank
I find myself blinded and walking toward the unknown.
My hands secured tightly behind me, no longer able to write.
I can hear them all screaming,
"You'll never make it!" "You won't survive!" "You can't do it, it's a cold and dangerous water."
My feet trudge forward, going against everything that my mind says
The Plank
I step up and I can feel my future wobble beneath me; my knees shake with every step I take and my mind races.
Fear and peace suddenly overwhelm me.
I know I've reached the end and there's only one more step I can take... FORWARD.
I feel the air rush past my cheek and I hear the whistle of nothingness
But instead of falling I am flying.
I'm soaring above the waters of fear and failure.
My hands no longer bound behind me but spread out as far as they are able to reach; as wings.
Where am I going? I am not sure. But I do know that I am free to soar to my dreams and find myself in the possibilities above.
It's time I spread my wings and let my creative dreams soar.

"I have a dream..." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

So after much probing from a dear new friend, Lili, I have decided to re-invent my blog and am committed to writing every day (this may mean in my journal too; I'll post as often as possible.) Let the days begin. Hope you enjoy reading!