Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Today Is... Who Are YOU Day?

Who are you?

I am not easily defined
I wouldn't make a good Facebook status or Tweet
As I don't do 20 words or less
I don't fit nicely in a box
Nor do I color in the lines
I tend to be overly passionate about social issues
But incredibly detached with societal norms
I shy away from the status quo
In dire fear that I will only be mediocre
My biggest fear is mediocrity!
Tell me I can't do something
And I'll prove to you I CAN
I seek out tough challenges
Knowing my greatest times of pain
Have produced my greatest moments of gain
I am a child of God
And a sister to all those who surround me
I believe in dreams
As they are the catalyst to my future
I am a teacher, a motivator, a giver, a lover, a friend, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a granddaughter, a cousin, a woman, a person
      I am ME